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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Holidays Everyone!

It has been a while since our last posting and we apologize so much for that!
So much has happened since October...
Addison's adoption was finalized, it was one of the happiest days of our lives.
She has been growing like a weed and her sweet little personality is really showing. She has been such a little joy during the holidays.

Please enjoy the pictures and have a very Merry Christmas!

Joel, Angela and Addy

Is that not the cutest little face?

Joel, Angela, Addy and the Judge that Finalized the adoption

Auntie Bridget after the adoption proceedings

Maddy and Kristen from Antioch Adoptions. Our awesome caseworkers!

Addy's first baby food!

Addy hangin with her favorite cousins...Tyler and Ellie

Addy and Ellie sharing some tub time

Addy's first snow

Addy picking out her first Christmas Tree

Looks like the yuppy Griswold's get a Christmas tree.

Grandma Debbie got her the cutest little outfit.

Addy and Grandpa Mike (Big Pappa) hangin out.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hello Everyone,
We went and had some family pictures taken.
Addy has been doing great and as you can see she is just such a happy little girl!
We hope everyone enjoys these!
Joel, Angela, and Addison

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Addison and Daddy having a VERY deep conversation.
I think we were talking about college. :)
Then Addy started telling him a joke.
Then came the punchline...she sure does crack herself up!
Addy's First Hike to Fragrance Lake

Addy taking a little break on the hike to Fragrance Lake.

We still arent sure what she was pointing at but whatever it was...it was funny!

Addy and her friend Macee check out the cool waterfall.

Cousin Tyler helping with keeping Addy entertained at bathtime. She loves visiting Sequim!
More of those priceless smiles!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Addison had a BIG day today! We went up to visit Chris, Maris, Tyler, Ellie, Rick, Ruth, Rich, and Scarlett up by Mount Baker to hang out and visit and ended up going up to Mount Baker. Once we got there we decided that we just had to go for a hike. Addy handled it like a pro.
Mount Baker

Mount Shuksan

Tyler with a skinned up knee

That is one happy baby!
Tyler and Addy spending some quality time together.

Someone looks a little sleepy
Dad, Mom, and Addy in front of Mount Shuksan
Chris and Maris in front of Mount Shuksan
Chris, Maris and the Kids
Mommy and Addy. I think she is trying to fly!!!!
The Thinking Man....
Karen in front of Mount Shuksan
Mommy, Maris, and Addy sitting by a mountain pond