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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Holidays Everyone!

It has been a while since our last posting and we apologize so much for that!
So much has happened since October...
Addison's adoption was finalized, it was one of the happiest days of our lives.
She has been growing like a weed and her sweet little personality is really showing. She has been such a little joy during the holidays.

Please enjoy the pictures and have a very Merry Christmas!

Joel, Angela and Addy

Is that not the cutest little face?

Joel, Angela, Addy and the Judge that Finalized the adoption

Auntie Bridget after the adoption proceedings

Maddy and Kristen from Antioch Adoptions. Our awesome caseworkers!

Addy's first baby food!

Addy hangin with her favorite cousins...Tyler and Ellie

Addy and Ellie sharing some tub time

Addy's first snow

Addy picking out her first Christmas Tree

Looks like the yuppy Griswold's get a Christmas tree.

Grandma Debbie got her the cutest little outfit.

Addy and Grandpa Mike (Big Pappa) hangin out.